Online registry certificates: the procedure for obtaining them

Online registry certificates have been available for citizens residing in Italy since November 2021. You can print documents independently, for yourself or a family member, from your computer without going to the counter.

Table of contents

The implementation of the digital project

Online registry certificates available

The ways to obtain certificates

The implementation of the digital project

Sogei, the economic-financial administration’s partner on technologies, took charge of the project implementation and also managed the development of the new portal. The Department for Digital Transformation of the Prime Minister’s Office is in charge of the technical-operational coordination of the project.

The innovation brought by theNational Registry consists basically in a fruitful organization of the dalogo between municipalities and other public apparatuses, with excellent security standards. In fact, this continuous exchange of data will better protect registry elements, avoid duplication of documents and preserve citizens’ personal information.

Activation of the service will enable a major streamlining of bureaucracy and procedures, with facilitated data interchange that will certainly benefit the state apparatus.

The National Register of Resident Population

The ANPR collects data from 98 percent of the Italian population with 7794 municipalities already taken over and the remainder in the process of taking over. Within the National Registry are the data of more than 57 million residents in Italy. Added to these are the Italian citizens registered in theRegistry of Italians Residing Abroad (AIRE), which reaches a figure of 5 million people.

Online registry certificates available

The new service allows the following 15 certificates to be downloaded:

  • Of citizenship;
  • marriage registry;
  • registry of birth;
  • Of residence;
  • AIRE residency;
  • Of existence in life;
  • Of family status;
  • Of family status and marital status;
  • of marital status;
  • Of residence in cohabitation;
  • Of cohabitation contract;
  • Of family status with relationship;
  • AIRE family status;
  • of Free State;
  • civil union registry.

The ways to obtain certificates

Digital certificates are free and available in multilingual mode for municipalities with multilingualism and can also be issued at the same time as the application.

In order to access the portal, one’s digital identity(Spid, Electronic Identity Card, All’Carta Nazionale dei Servizi) is required.Certificates can also be requested for one’s family member, who is on a special list. The document in question can be previewed to check the accuracy of the data given.