Flows Decree 2022: extension of applications to 30 September

The entry in Italy for subordinate work reasons, including seasonal work or self-employment, is regulated by law with entry quotas defined annually in the so-called Flows Decrees systematically issued by the Prime Minister regarding the criteria established in the three-year programmatic document for immigration policies. 

The Ministry of Labour allocates the quota established in the decree to the various territorial labor offices according to the demand for labor they have reported and after consultation with local authorities, social parties and trade unions.

Procedures for access to the labor market

Non-EU citizens can access the Italian labor market in three cases:

– Directly in Italy, if they are already present on the territory and possess a regular residence permit that authorizes them to work in Italy: in this case, the employer only needs to fill in an electronic communication form for recruitment of a non-EU worker’s using the Mandatory Communication computer system.

– From abroad, through the quotas of the Flows Decree: the recruitment of a Non-EU worker can be made through an application to the “Single Desks for Immigration” by an Italian employer or a foreigner resident in Italy. The procedures for requesting the nulla osta are contained in circulars issued by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of the Interior.

– From abroad outside the Flows Decree: these entries for work reasons are possible throughout the year and concern highly qualified jobs such as managers, specialized workers, university professors, researchers, and nurses.

Why the extension of applications?

The deadline for application, originally set for 17 March, has been extended for two reasons:

– There is still availability for the entry of non-EU citizens residing abroad provided they have completed training and education programs in their country of origin.

– It is still possible to request the conversion of residence permits for seasonal work, study or training into permits for subordinate work or to request the conversion into residence permits for self-employment the permits for study, training, or long-term resident permits issued to non-EU citizens by the other EU Member States.

For these motives, it is still possible to convert the residence permit and request the entrance accessible to non-EU citizens included in training programs.

The application must be submitted through the website for telematic submission: it is necessary to possess the SPID digital identity, to follow the guided procedure for filling out the forms and to send the application.

Unfortunately, the news is full of daily reports about the total lack of protection for workers included in the Flows Decree: a first step could be Welfare solutions for those who decide to apply for residence in our country.