Climate change and strategies to combat it

For years we have seen increasing concern about climate change. This important issue is overlooked by the individual and is of little interest to large companies that measure the goodness of their work based on profit that does not consider anything, not even the environmental impact.


We cannot, however, put our heads in the sand and pretend that the problem does not exist just because we do not want to see it. In this regard, action has been taken globally and the Paris Agreement was signed on 12 November 2015.

Its goal is to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.

The Paris Agreement is a milestone in the climate change process because, for the first time, an agreement brings all nations together in a common cause to undertake efforts to combat climatic change and adapt to its effects.

The United Nations Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 26) will be held in November for which adherent countries are required to draw up and submit an action plan in terms of strategies for reducing CO2 emissions and the actions they will take to adapt to the impacts of the rising temperatures.

Allocation of tasks

Given that the status quo, in terms of economic stability, of the participating countries is not identical and also the CO2 emissions in absolute value and per GDP are heterogeneous, the effort expected by each is different.

The Paris Agreement reiterates that developed countries should take a leading role in providing financial assistance to the least affluent and most vulnerable countries.

In our small way we all contribute, with our bad habits, to pollution and consequently to climate change.
Some have become aware of this fact and in this regard many Eco-Friendly tourist (structures have been created throughout

Not all developing countries have sufficient capacity to manage many of the challenges posed by climate change. Consequently, the Paris Agreement places great emphasis on developing climate-related capabilities for developing countries and requires all developed countries to strengthen support for capacity-building in developing countries.

We are already seeing the effects of bad decisions made in the past, we cannot deny it. Time is running out and damage mitigation strategies require time and money, it is imperative to become aware of them and act accordingly. “Whoever gets off to a good start is half the battle”