The Residence Permit for Medical Treatment: Requirements for Obtaining It

In Italy, the right to health is regulated by Article 32 of the Constitution, which establishes the health of the individual as a fundamental right and which must also be guaranteed to foreign citizens, regardless of their personal position with respect to the law on their entry and stay in our country. In addition to recognizing health as a purely individual right, the Italian Constitution establishes the interest of the community as superior to that of the individual, guaranteeing, in addition, free care for the indigent.

Requirements for applying for a Resident Permit for medical treatment

The Residence permit for medical treatment may be requested and issued for three different reasons:

– Foreign citizens who have entered Italy with a visa for medical treatment and their accompanying persons (based on art. 36 of Legislative Decree 286/98).

– Foreign citizens present in Italy without a regular residence permit, but who are in serious health conditions (art. 19 of Legislative Decree 286/98).

– Foreign citizens present in Italy without a regular residence permit who are pregnant and for six months following childbirth (art. 19 of Legislative Decree n° 286/98).

How to obtain an entry visa for medical treatment

A foreign citizen who is abroad and who intends to receive medical treatment in Italy – together with any accompanying person – may apply to the Italian consular authorities present in the country of origin for an entry visa and, once he has arrived on Italian territory, apply within eight days for the relative Residence Permit at the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters in the city where he will go for treatment.

Article 44 of Presidential Decree 394/99 indicates the documents required for the issue of an entry visa: in this case, it is mandatory to present health documentation that must include:

– Medical documentation attesting the infirmity, issued in one’s country of origin.

– Declaration of the Italian public or private structure (in this case it must be obligatorily accredited with the SSN), which identifies the type of treatment to be carried out, the duration, and the cost.

– Declaration from the Italian facility confirming payment of at least 30% of the amount to be paid or, alternatively, the regional resolution or authorization from the Ministry of Health within specific humanitarian programs.

The Consular Authorities also require documentation proving the availability of means of subsistence for the payment of medical expenses, board, and lodging outside the health facility, and for the repatriation of the patient and any accompanying person.

If you are an accompanying person and need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us!