Boat Safety: Advice and Insurance Coverage

Spring is nearly upon us, beautiful days are coming, hence, millions of boats will sail across the beautiful Italian coast: in fact, Italians are increasingly choosing sailing holidays – with a weekly or monthly rental – or weekend trips to relax onboard their boats.

Indeed, Italy is the first European country surrounded by eight thousand kilometers of coasts from North to South with the most gorgeous Islands such as Tuscany, Apulia, are the most desired destinations for sea and sailing lovers

Safety onboard

Life at sea is never simple, this is why it is always necessary to have rationality and common sense to approach correctly all the situations that may occur.

What are the rules of personal safety?

– Always wear flotation devices (life jacket, harness, and safety belt).

– During the trip it is always necessary, especially at night or in rough seas, to hold on to the boat.

– In case of navigation in the night hours you should prepare guard shifts with at least two people.

– Always check the weather forecast.

– Explain to passengers how to use the radio in case of emergency.

Insurance coverage

The protection of people and boats is fundamental during navigation. 

Generali, within its portfolio of offers, proposes the GenMar policy, which allows you to sail in total safety, providing various guarantees:

– in case of accident, it protects physical but also belonging of both driver and owner.

-it covers the chain and port risks

-injuries sustained aboard your boat that are caused by an operator of another boat who has no liability insurance.

– In the event of an accident, it protects the occupants on board, also because of imprudence or inexperience on the part of the insured.

– It helps in case of breakdown, damage, or accident during navigation.

The sea represents an escape from our daily stress, the chaos of our cities, and the frenzy of our lives but it is also one of the most potentially dangerous places: for this reason, it is essential to subscribe to an insurance policy that allows you to live with absolute serenity and lightness the moments of freedom among the waves. 

Can’t wait to leave and want to travel in total safety? Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

Meta description: The sea has always been an expression of freedom and discovery: however, it is essential to have all the safety tools to live your adventure without worries.

Spring is nearly upon us, beautiful days are coming, hence, millions of boats will sail across the beautiful Italian coast: in fact, Italians are increasingly choosing sailing holidays – with a weekly or monthly rental – or weekend trips to relax onboard their boats.

Indeed, Italy is the first European country surrounded by eight thousand kilometers of coasts from North to South with the most gorgeous Islands such as Tuscany, Apulia, are the most desired destinations for sea and sailing lovers

Safety onboard

Life at sea is never simple, this is why it is always necessary to have rationality and common sense to approach correctly all the situations that may occur.

What are the rules of personal safety?

– Always wear flotation devices (life jacket, harness, and safety belt).

– During the trip it is always necessary, especially at night or in rough seas, to hold on to the boat.

– In case of navigation in the night hours you should prepare guard shifts with at least two people.

– Always check the weather forecast.

– Explain to passengers how to use the radio in case of emergency.

Insurance coverage

The protection of people and boats is fundamental during navigation. 

Generali, within its portfolio of offers, proposes the GenMar policy, which allows you to sail in total safety, providing various guarantees:

– in case of accident, it protects physical but also belonging of both driver and owner.

-it covers the chain and port risks

-injuries sustained aboard your boat that are caused by an operator of another boat who has no liability insurance.

– In the event of an accident, it protects the occupants on board, also because of imprudence or inexperience on the part of the insured.

– It helps in case of breakdown, damage, or accident during navigation.

The sea represents an escape from our daily stress, the chaos of our cities, and the frenzy of our lives but it is also one of the most potentially dangerous places: for this reason, it is essential to subscribe to an insurance policy that allows you to live with absolute serenity and lightness the moments of freedom among the waves. 

Can’t wait to leave and want to travel in total safety? Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!