Coomunication of hospitality for a foreign citizen

In case a person, an Italian citizen or a foreigner legally residing in Italy, wishes to host a non-EU citizen in a property he owns or is tenant of, it is mandatory to notify the Authority within 48 hours. It is necessary to follow this procedure even if the guest is a relative and regardless of the length of the stay. This communication must be made whatever the title of hospitality, even if you have a Bed & Breakfast, for example.

This obligation is established by Article 7 of the TUI (Consolidated Law on Immigration), or the Legislative Decree no. 286 of 1998. Anyone who violates the legal obligation could be sanctioned with a very large fine.

The declaration to be filled

There is a form to be filled in by the “complainant” or the host, who may be the owner of the house or the tenant, and substantially must contain his name, surname, date and place of birth and residence. The personal data of the guest who is a non-EU citizen or stateless person together with the details of the identity document, such as the passport. The address of the property must be indicated and for what the title of hospitality is: free of charge or for rent.

The declaration can be sent to the local police offices or by registered mail with return receipt to the Police Headquarters, in the case of a provincial capital, or to the Municipality if not.