Elective residence: who can obtain it

Usually in order to reside in Italy you need to have a reason that gives you the right to a residence permit. You can settle in Italy for family reasonsstudywork reasons, etc. If, on the other hand, there is no concrete reason, but one has the necessary means to live in Italy, a foreigner can apply for a residence permit for elective residence.

What does it mean? It means that a foreigner can apply for a permit of residence for elective residence if he fulfils the following requirements:

  • availability of a house to be elected as a residence,
  • possession of large autonomous, stable and regular economic resources, whose continuity can be assumed in the future. These economic resources can come from:
  • rents (pensions, annuities),
  • possession of real estate,
  • ownership of stable economic / commercial activities,
  • or other sources other than subordinate employment.

The residence permit can be requested:

  • after obtaining a Visa for the same reason at the Italian Embassy in the country of origin which will assess the existence of the aforementioned requirements,
  • by a foreign citizen in possession of a permit for subordinate or self-employed work or family reasons, in case of conversion when he ceases to work and receives an old-age pension, civil invalidity or social pension.
  • by family members of an EU citizen
  • by foreign employees, religious or lay, who carry out their work in the employ of Vatican bodies and organizations

After five years of regular residence, in the presence of the necessary requirements, the holder of a residence permit for elective residence can apply for the issue of the for a long-term EU residence permit.