Insurance coverage from Covid-19 and Tor Vergata Hospital Crowdfunding

In this context of serious global uncertainty caused by Coronavirus, it is necessary to face jointly with the Institutions and support the hospital facilities, for this reason our General Agency of Rome Parioli Liegi – Generali Italia S.p.A. in collaboration with Welcome Association Italy, an association whose main objective is to provide assistance to foreign citizens in Italy,  have put in place the “Family Health Protection” initiative.

The initiative consists of an insurance solution designed by the General Agency of Rome Parioli Liegi Generali Italia S.p.A., for the health protection of people and their family members in the event of illness, which also includes Coronavirus COVID-19 infections.

The insurance solution includes:

Flat-rate compensation in case of ICU hospitalization dues to Covid-19 diagnosis € 5,000.

Flat-rate compensation for surgery € 50,000.

Daily allowance for Accident, Illness or Childbirth up to € / day 200.00.

Daily allowance for convalescence from injury or illness up to € / day 200.00.

Reimbursement of Pre / Post Hospitalization or Surgery Expenses € 4,000 or 6,000.

Assistance and Health Prevention.

Flat-rate compensation for surgery up to € 50,000.

Major interventions and oncological diseases Insured ceiling € 180,000.

Special additional compensation for injuries.

Loss of employment Maximum up to € 1,400 / month.

Moreover, the annual membership fee of Welcome Association Italy – Welcome Welfare Combo includes:

1. health care;

2. accident protection;

3. civil liability of the head of the family;

4. legal protection.

 The 1% of the cost incurred will be donated to the fundraising promoted by Welcome Association Italy in favor of the Foundation Tor Vergata Hospital in Rome, for the purchase of medical materials necessary to defeat the Coronavirus infection Covid-19.

For the purchase of the insurance solution it is necessary to fill out a short medical questionnaire with your data. In order to facilitate the issue of the remote insurance policy, without the need to go phisically to the agency, request a medical questionnaire from which you can digitally fill in, sign and send to us.

To participate in the fundraising promoted by Welcome Association Italy in favor of the Foundation Tor Vergata Hospital in Rome, consult the following page:

For assistance or information, do not hesitate to contact Insurance Italy, a desk dedicated to foreign citizens of the General Agency of Rome Parioli Liegi Generali Italia S.p.A. at +39.06.3210214 or email