Medical Insurance for Foreigners in Italy

Medical insurance for foreigners in Italy is one of the requirements requested by the consular authorities for the granting of an entry visa to the national territory.

The coverage must protect the person, who is not a resident of Italy, from risks during his stay in our country or the Schengen area.



One of the big problems with insurance is the age limit imposed by insurance companies. Very often, this limit does not consider the average life expectancy that has risen considerably in recent years, thanks to medical and scientific progress. For example, many foreign citizens who want to invite their parents, have difficulty finding medical insurance to present to embassies for entry visas.

Fortunately, some companies have recently raised the age limits, making it easier for foreign citizens to find insurance.

Let’s see which characteristics a medical insurance policy must have.

Insurance Regulations

The policy must cover urgent medical expenses due to an accident, illness, and possible hospitalization, with mandatory transit to the emergency room of a public hospital.

The policyholder is obliged to provide truthful and complete information on the circumstances of the risk. Any change in the circumstances of the risk must be reported to the insurance company immediately, under the penalty of forfeiting the right to the benefits included in the policy.

Medical insurance always starts at the times and on the day indicated in the contract.

The Object of Insurance

Medical insurance may also contain various benefits relating to health care:

  • Medical consultation. In the event of an accident, illness, or Covid-19 infection, a telephone consultation may be requested, based on which the state of health can be checked.
  • Dispatch of a doctor or ambulance. Following the telephone medical consultation, this benefit may be requested from the insurer.
  • Appointment with a specialist doctor. If a specialist examination is necessary, an appointment can be made with the contracted doctors.
  • Medical repatriation. If, following an accident or illness, transportation to a facility in Italy is deemed necessary, the Company will organize the repatriation.

Reimbursement of Medical Expenses

Medical, pharmaceutical, or hospital expenses due to injury or illness must be reimbursed according to the maximum amount stipulated in the existing contract.

Of course, there are also exclusions to reimbursement, such as:

  • Expenses incurred by the insured person if he/she has not notified the insurance company of the hospitalization or emergency room services.
  • Pre-existing or chronic illnesses.
  • Accidents resulting from the practice of extreme sports.
  • Abuse of alcohol, psychotropic drugs, or narcotics.

For more information on medical insurance for foreigners in Italy please contact us.