Working Holiday: Which Residence Permit is Required
Working Holiday is an educational experience for thousands of young people around…
Accident At Work: The Best Insurance Option
The often-fatal accident work bedevils the news headlines every day. The number…
Work and Temporary Protection for Ukrainian Refugees
For more than six months now, the Ukrainian conflict has been raging, with the Russian army invading the territory of the neighboring country. Obviously, the dramatic situation has led to a massive exodus of the civilian population to safer nations, such as Poland, Germany, France, and Italy. -
Free Health Care for Non-Working Ukrainian Refugees
On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Since then, tragic images of the…
Work With a Study Residence Permit: Requirements and Limitations
The Residence Permit for the study is a title that allows a…
Entry Quotas Outside the Flows Decree
Non-EU remote workers, both self-employed and subordinate, and the so-called "digital nomads" will be able to enter the national territory outside of the quotas established by the Flows Decree, as provided for by the law converting the "Decreto Sostegni Ter", which provided for the inclusion of these two categories of workers in the list of special cases of entry provided for by art. 27 of the Consolidated Act on Immigration. -
A Survey of Domestic Work in Italy
In everyday life most families rely on the help of figures in…
Quarantined workers: no longer charged to INPS
On the 6th of August, INPS reported that the compensation for workers who find themselves in isolation…
Seasonal employment work: the Flow Decree
The demand for work in the tourism and agricultural sector in the…
Amnesty 2020: Regularization of undeclared work
We have already talked about it over a year ago. Unfortunately, we find ourselves…
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