New Novavax vaccine: High protection against Covid

Another good news. Biotech company Novavax is developing a new vaccine that appears to be giving extraordinary results. From the experiments done on a sample of about 30,000 participants it seems that Novavax has found the magic formula.

Effectiveness of the vaccine

This vaccine has been shown to be 96.4% effective against the original Covid virus strain and 86.3% against the English variant, renamed Alpha, and 89.7% in general. The reactions after administration are the same as those of the vaccines already in circulation, namely: pain at the injection site, muscle aches, headaches, fatigue.

Unfortunately, this vaccine has been beaten in the race against time by other vaccines. Perhaps its effectiveness is also due to the fact that they have had more time to study it.

Another good news is that the production and storage cost of Novavax serum is lower compared to others on the market at the moment.

How the vaccine works

It seems that Novavax has found the formula to convince even the No-vaxes to get vaccinated who, influenced by the myriad of fake news, do not accept to undergo the vaccination, especially when it comes to mRna vaccines.

In fact, the Novavax vaccine, in addition to the efficacy and the small side effects, also has the safety of a traditional technology.

With the carpet vaccination, fortunately we are returning to “normal” life. The economy and tourism are recovering thanks to the concessions for those with the Green Pass and the difficulties are being overcome due to the various measures that the Government is undertaking with various bonuses to those who find themselves in difficulty.