Recognition between Italian and Ukrainian driving licenses
At the end of July, a new bilateral pact was signed between…
New non-EU countries in the list recommended by the EU
The 10-day quarantine obligation persists for non-EU countries but is reduced to 5 days for those on the list recommended by the EU. -
Culture Bonus: What it consists of and who can request it
The Culture Bonus is dedicated to eighteen-year-olds, amounts to 500 euros and can be spent on the purchase of books, courses, newspaper subscriptions. -
The Patronages: what services do they provide
For many, dealing with the Italian bureaucracy could be a serious problem…
The functions of the Caf: Fiscal Assistance Centre
The Fiscal Assistance Centres are organizations that, as can be inferred from…
Rental bonus 2021: who is this contribution for?
From 6 July it is possible apply for the 2021 Rental Bonus.…
Amnesty 2020: Regularization of undeclared work
We have already talked about it over a year ago. Unfortunately, we find ourselves…
Entry visa for non-EU tourists
Extra EU citizens traveling for tourism for a period of up to 90…
Breakdown and roadside assistance: How it works
We are all planning our vacations right now. If you are planning…
Insurance coverage for EU citizens for registration
Citizens of the European Union who decide to stay in Italy up to…
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