Electronic Health File: e-Health platform
The Electronic Health File (EHF) is a platform that contains all the…
Entry Visa and residence for business
This type of entry Visa allows stays of up to three months and the…
Apprenticeship contract: why it is convenient
Statistically speaking, the use of this type of contact by employers is increasing exponentially.…
Work Supply contract: how does it work
The supply work contract is a particular subspecies of the subordinate work contract.
The phases of immigrants’ reception in Italy
As soon as you open a newspaper or turn on the television…
Mandatory registration with the SSN for EU citizens
Registration with the National Health Service can be voluntary or mandatory. Obligation is ambivalent…
Climate change and strategies to combat it
For years we have seen increasing concern about climate change. This important…
Temporary medical domicile for members of the NHS
Italian and foreign citizens legally resident in Italy and registered with the National Health Service are…
The trade union: what it is and what function covers
Let’s start by defining the trade unions: they are associations whose main objective…
The national collective agreement
The national collective agreement, which we all normally shorten to CCNL for…
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