What is the University ISEE and who is it for
The ISEE (Indicator of the Equivalent Economic Situation), is an indicator used…
SPID, digital identity. What is it and what is it for
Nowadays, and especially in this period, people are increasingly trying to get…
In 2019, a subsidy was introduced by the Government consisting of a…
Integration Agreement: what it is and what it is for
On 10 March 2012 the regulation which governs the Integration Agreement entered into force.…
Extension of the Residence Permits
With the Decree-Law no. 2/2021 approved on January 14, the Government ordered the further…
Redemption of the social security contributions
The degree redemption allows you to convert the years spent at university…
Certification of the italian language
The knowledge of the Italian language is a requirement for obtaining the…
Insurance Guarantee: what it consists of and what it is for
The Italian Government, to grant a tourist visa or for non-university study, medical treatment, religious…
The Tax code: how can apply for it and what it is for
The tax code is defines as “an identification code attributed to each…
The death of a foreign citizen in Italy can lead to a…
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