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    Health Coverage for Foreign Nationals in the Schengen Area

    In 1997 Italy, after a process of adaptation to the entry visa policy laid down in the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement, entered the so-called Schengen Area. The realization of the Schengen Area took place through the strengthening of the external borders (common to all signatory countries) and the gradual elimination of internal border controls, affirming the total freedom of movement of citizens within the territories of the signatory countries.
  • Ctitizenship

    The Acquisition of Italian Nationality by Marriage

    The term 'citizenship' refers to the relationship that exists between a natural person and the State, with the legal system recognizing full civil and political rights, according to the provisions of Law n° 91/1992. Italian citizenship can be acquired in the following ways: - "Iure sanguinis": in case of birth or if a child is adopted by Italian citizens. - "Iure soli": in the event of birth in the national territory from stateless parents or if the parents are unknown or if the parents cannot transmit their nationality to their child due to a law of the State of origin. - Foreign nationals who have been residents in Italy for at least ten years. - By Marriage.
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    Work and Temporary Protection for Ukrainian Refugees

    For more than six months now, the Ukrainian conflict has been raging, with the Russian army invading the territory of the neighboring country. Obviously, the dramatic situation has led to a massive exodus of the civilian population to safer nations, such as Poland, Germany, France, and Italy.
  • Permit of stay

    The Residence Permit for Medical Treatment: Requirements for Obtaining It

    In Italy, the right to health is regulated by Article 32 of the Constitution, which establishes the health of the individual as a fundamental right and which must also be guaranteed to foreign citizens, regardless of their personal position with respect to the law on their entry and stay in our country. In addition to recognizing health as a purely individual right, the Italian Constitution establishes the interest of the community as superior to that of the individual, guaranteeing, in addition, free care for the indigent.
  • News

    The Single Child Allowance 2022 in Favor of Foreign Nationals

    The Single Universal Allowance is a financial aid provided for families with children. Depending on their eligibility, families are entitled to be supported by the government before the birth of their children (starting from the seventh month of pregnancy) until the age of 21.
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    The Entry Visa for Foreign Citizens

    Foreign citizens who intend to enter Italy are obliged to show their identification document at the controls: if the stay is less than ninety days, it is mandatory to apply to the Italian diplomatic representations in their country of origin, for an Entry Visa only if expressly provided for, otherwise, it is possible to enter the national territory simply by showing an identification document. If the stay is longer than ninety days, it is always mandatory to apply for an Entry Visa.
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    The Discipline of Visas and Residence Permits for Sporting Purposes

    When we are in front of the television set or present in a stadium or sports hall, we do not think that the non-EU athletes competing, are on the field of competition because the sports federations, to which they belong, have taken care of the process of granting a Visa for entry for sports competitions in Italy.