• Permit of stay

    The Residence Permit Online

    The Residence Permit is a mandatory document for foreign citizens who do not belong to the European Union and gives them the right to stay legally in Italy. As we know, to obtain it, it is necessary to apply to the Immigration Office and present the documents required by law.
  • Permit of stay

    The New Discipline of the EU Permanent Residence Permit

    Law decree no. 238/2021 was promulgated on the 1st of February and regulates the provisions for the fulfillment of the obligations arising from Italy's membership in the European Union. It mainly concerns a measure aimed at adapting the national system to the European one and at facilitating the cancellation of several infringement procedures addressed to Italy. 
  • Family

    Medical Care for Foreigners Over 65 in Italy for Family Reasons

    The legislative decree 160/2008 establishes that foreign citizens over 65 years of age are no longer entitled to compulsory registration with the National Health Service, as established by legislative decree 286/98, but must present private insurance coverage or proceed to voluntary registration with the SSN, through payment of the amount established by the Law.
  • Uncategorized

    Entry Quotas Outside the Flows Decree

    Non-EU remote workers, both self-employed and subordinate, and the so-called "digital nomads" will be able to enter the national territory outside of the quotas established by the Flows Decree, as provided for by the law converting the "Decreto Sostegni Ter", which provided for the inclusion of these two categories of workers in the list of special cases of entry provided for by art. 27 of the Consolidated Act on Immigration.
  • Permit of stay

    Residence permit for “Special Cases”

    Immigration has always been  a dangerous political  ground in Italy, on which ideologies have often clashed provoking recurring governmental debates and conflicts among different political parties but without ever providing solutions.