Here is how you can stay in Italy with the Blue Card
The Blue Card is a particular type of residence permit dedicated to highly qualified foreigners. What does it mean? Who are the highly qualified foreigners? They are those in possession of a qualification issued by higher education institutions, which certifies the completion of a post-secondary education course, lasting at least three years, with the achievement of the relative diploma. The legislation also extends to workers with technical professional qualifications.
This document can be requested by the foreign worker residing in a non-EU country after obtaining an entry visa with the same reason even outside the “flows” or by the worker legally residing in another EU country.
For the purpose of issuing an entry visa to Italy to workers from a non-EU country, the employer must submit an application for the permit by providing the contract proposal, lasting at least one year, at the Immigration Office through the telematic procedure.
In the event that the worker holds a Blue Card issued by another EU country, he can, after 18 months of legal stay, request entry to Italy without the need for a visa. The employer can apply for the nulla osta even before the worker arrives in Italy or in any case within one month from his arrival.
The residence permit is issued with a duration of two years, in the case of a permanent employment contract, or with a duration equal to that of the contract in other cases.
The holder of the EU Blue Card, only for the first two years of legal employment on the national territory, can only carry out work activities that comply with the conditions for which the Blue Card was issued.
Citizens in possession of a Blue Card can carry out family reunification, regardless of the duration of the residence permit.
Finally, if the specific requirements and the following two conditions are met:
- have resided legally and continuously for 5 years in the territory of the Union with an EU blue card;
- in possession, in Italy, for at least 2 years, of a residence permit in electronic format, bearing the words EU blue card,
the EU blue card holder can be granted long-term resident status.