Rental bonus 2021: who is this contribution for?

From 6 July it is possible apply for the 2021 Rental Bonus. What is it, how to do it and who can request it? This bonus is a measure introduced by the budget law which aims to facilitate both the tenants and the lessors of rental properties for residential use. Owners who have granted or intend to grant a discount on the rent to their tenants can request it.

The bonus is given to the lessee for an amount that does not exceed 50 percent of the rent reduction and in any case within the maximum annual limit of 1,200 euros.

Requirements for qualifying

There are, of course, some requirements to be observed regarding the property. In fact, the latter must be located in a city with high housing tension. From the Revenue Agency website, you can download the complete list of cities that fulfil this requirement. In addition, it must be used purely for residential purposes. Finally, the tenant must have the permanent residence in the property, which must therefore be the main residence.

How to apply for it

The Revenue Agency is the entity responsible for paying this contribution that receives the requests online, through the portal accessible via SPIDCIE, CNS etc. In the act of applying, the applicant must provide:

  • tax code of the owner of the house,
  • the IBAN code of the tenant’s current account;
  • the waiver of the contribution if the application had already been sent;
  • data relating to the rental contract;
  • the start and end date of the new contractual conditions regarding the rent
  • The amount of the annual fee before and after the renegotiation

It is important to keep in mind that the bonus is granted only and exclusively if the rental agreement in question was stipulated before 29/10/2020 and that the request can be submitted no later than 6 September 2021.