What is new for the 2023 Single Allowance?

The Budget Law 2023 has provided for, starting next January and for the following three years, increases in the Single Allowance of about 50 percent in favor of large families (with three or more children) as well as a 50 percent increase during the first year of a child’s life.

In the same law, the increase in the Single Allowance for disabled children has also stabilized thanks to the allocation of financial resources amounting to 610 million euros.

Novelties for the Single Allowance

As we have read, heard, or touched with our own hands, in this period there has been an exponential increase in inflation, due to the economic situation of the moment: to remedy these difficulties, especially for the largest families, several increases in the Single Allowance have been provided for.

The first novelty concerns the 50% increase in the amount paid in the first year of a child’s life: in order to support the expenses that each family must face following the birth of a child, the Budget Law has been established to increase the base of the Single Allowance by an additional € 87.50, starting from the average starting base of the Single Allowance, which is € 175 per month.

The same calculation was made for large families, who will be granted a 50 percent increase from the birth of the child following the second child, for a period of three years.

Single allowance for foreign nationals

Foreign citizens may apply for the Single Allowance if they meet the requirements of permanence in the national territory and hold a valid Residence Permit.

The Residence Permits that allow access to the application are as follows:

EU Long-Term Residence Permit.

– Work permit for a period of more than six months.

– Residence permit for research purposes for a period exceeding six months.

– Permit for family reunification.

– Permit for political asylum or humanitarian protection.

Possession of a Residence permit, however, is not the only requirement of the law. It is necessary, in fact, for other conditions to be met, such as:

– The foreign national must be liable to pay taxes in Italy.

– The foreign national must have been resident or domiciled in Italy for at least two years.

– Even if he is not a resident or domiciled in Italy, he must have an open-ended or fixed-term employment contract of at least six months.

The application can be submitted on the Inps website or to a Caf/Patronato.

The Budget Law 2023 has provided for, starting next January and for the following three years, increases in the Single Allowance of about 50 percent in favor of large families (with three or more children) as well as a 50 percent increase during the first year of a child’s life.

In the same law, the increase in the Single Allowance for disabled children has also stabilized thanks to the allocation of financial resources amounting to 610 million euros.

Novelties for the Single Allowance

As we have read, heard, or touched with our own hands, in this period there has been an exponential increase in inflation, due to the economic situation of the moment: to remedy these difficulties, especially for the largest families, several increases in the Single Allowance have been provided for.

The first novelty concerns the 50% increase in the amount paid in the first year of a child’s life: in order to support the expenses that each family must face following the birth of a child, the Budget Law has been established to increase the base of the Single Allowance by an additional € 87.50, starting from the average starting base of the Single Allowance, which is € 175 per month.

The same calculation was made for large families, who will be granted a 50 percent increase from the birth of the child following the second child, for a period of three years.

Single allowance for foreign nationals

Foreign citizens may apply for the Single Allowance if they meet the requirements of permanence in the national territory and hold a valid Residence Permit.

The Residence Permits that allow access to the application are as follows:

EU Long-Term Residence Permit.

– Work permit for a period of more than six months.

– Residence permit for research purposes for a period exceeding six months.

– Permit for family reunification.

– Permit for political asylum or humanitarian protection.

Possession of a Residence permit, however, is not the only requirement of the law. It is necessary, in fact, for other conditions to be met, such as:

– The foreign national must be liable to pay taxes in Italy.

– The foreign national must have been resident or domiciled in Italy for at least two years.

– Even if he is not a resident or domiciled in Italy, he must have an open-ended or fixed-term employment contract of at least six months.

The application can be submitted on the Inps website or to a Caf/Patronato.