Conversion of the foreign license

Circulating in Italy can be easy, or not … here is everything you need to know.
Driving licenses from European countries are equivalent to Italian ones and there is no obligation to convert. The citizen who acquires residence in Italy, has the right, not the obligation, to request the replacement of own with the Italian one.
If you are a non-EU citizen in in possession of a driving license guide issued by a foreign country, you can drive freely in Italy, up to one year from the acquisition of the residence, provided that it also has a sworn translation of the driving license or possess an international driving permit. However, in the case of driving with a foreign license without the sworn translation attached, the Highway Code provides for a penalty for the transgressor Art. 135, paragraph 8 CdS.
One year after registration in the municipality of residence, non-EU citizens can continue driving in Italy only if they change their driving license for an Italian one. In the case of driving with a foreign license more than one year after registration, the same penalty is applied as for those driving with an expired Italian license.
It is important to inquire at the Civil Motorization of the place of residence, because the conversion can only be made for non-EU citizens from countries with which Italy has stipulated an agreement on the matter. It is absolutely essential to always update, because the agreements with individual countries are subject to expiry and they do not necessarily renew themselves.
If the aforementioned agreement was in force at the time you want to submit your request, you can proceed with the conversion which allows you to change your driving license without having to take special theoretical and practical exams.
This can be done at the motorization office of the place of residence using the TT 2112 model.
The conversion application can be submitted only if the foreign driving license is valid.
After submitting the application, the relevant office carries out checks on the documents attached to the conversion request. Upon completion of the investigation, he issues the applicant with an Italian license but withdraws the foreign license.
If the foreign license was issued by a country that has not adhered to the conversion agreement, or the same has expired, the non-EU citizen must compulsorily obtain an Italian license under the same conditions as Italian citizens.
The request for the issue of the license can also be submitted by the foreign citizen pending the first issue or renewal of the residence permit.
After having carried out the theoretical and practical examinations, the relevant Office issues the Italian driving license and withdraws the foreign one which will be returned to the Consulate to which it belongs.