Vacation period: travel insurance to leave peacefully
The pandemic period is about to reach two years in duration and,…
InPA: the new Public Administration recruitment portal
The protraction of the pandemic has totally revolutionized our modus vivendi, both…
La normativa para estancias de estudios inferiores a cinco meses
In recent years there has always been talk of the so-called «brains…
Ciudadanos de la UE residentes en Italia
Al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se inició un proceso de…
The entry visa and the permit for religious reasons
The presence of the Vatican has always represented a magnet for short…
Ciudadanos británicos en Italia tras el Brexit
Desde el 1 de enero de este año, el procedimiento para la…
Holidays time: how to protect our home
The weather has changed, the rains are more and more frequent and…
Flows Decree 2022: greater entries and new opportunities
In times of pandemic, many sectors have suffered, and still suffer, from…
Single and universal check 2022
Last week the Council of Ministers has approved the legislative decree implementing…
The entry visa for sport competitions
2021 was a year full of sporting events, such as the European…
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