Falling rental prices for students in Italy
At the end of the summer the hunt for housing always starts…
Bonus TV without ISEE: how is request it
From August the 23rd, it is possible request the TV Bonus. How does…
Housekeepers and caregivers bonus: the new measures
Domestic work in our country unfortunately still has a very high percentage…
Afghan crisis: the right to asylum and refugee status
The images we have seen in these days in Afghanistan amplify, if…
Seasonal employment work: the Flow Decree
The demand for work in the tourism and agricultural sector in the…
Recognition between Italian and Ukrainian driving licenses
At the end of July, a new bilateral pact was signed between…
New non-EU countries in the list recommended by the EU
The 10-day quarantine obligation persists for non-EU countries but is reduced to 5 days for those on the list recommended by the EU. -
UAFM: Unaccompanied foreign minors
Half of the migrants are minors and many of them arrive alone. Their protection is provided for by national and international legislation with the UN Convention -
Culture Bonus: What it consists of and who can request it
The Culture Bonus is dedicated to eighteen-year-olds, amounts to 500 euros and can be spent on the purchase of books, courses, newspaper subscriptions. -
The Patronages: what services do they provide
For many, dealing with the Italian bureaucracy could be a serious problem…
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