Residence permit for artistic activity

The residence permit for artistic activity is a particular permit for subordinate work but which obviously is subject to specific conditions and is issued in specific cases.

Reasons for release

The residence permit for artistic work is issued to foreigners who must carry out an activity of more than three months of artistic or technical work in opera, theatre, concert or ballet performances at the request of the employer.

The employer must obtain “nulla osta” from the Directorate General for employment services policies and the Police Headquarters

The Sportello Unico provides for the allocation of a provisional tax code.

After the delivery of the “nulla osta”, which is valid for six months, the residence contract is signed and sent to the Italian consular authorities present abroad who issue the entry visa.

Then, as with any other type of residence permit, it must be requested within 8 days from the arrival of the foreign worker in Italy.

The renewal of the residence permit

Renewal is possible only if there are documented needs to allow the show to close and only to continue the employment relationship established with the same employer, therefore for a duration not exceeding that of the residence permit at the time of issue and in any case a maximum of one year.

When renewing, it is necessary to present:

  • Documentation certifying the work activity: copy of the last pay slip,
  • communication of the Unilav Model
  • copy of the employer’s identity document (residence permit and passport if foreign).
  • postal order for the smart card (€ 30.46)
  • € 16.00 revenue stamp;
  • Copy of valid passport
  • Copy of the residence permit for artistic activity;
  • Copy of the tax code
  • Certification certifying the current residence:
  • certificate of residence or;
  • declaration of hospitality / transfer of building endorsed by the receiving office or with shipping receipt.