Covid vaccine exemption: who is eligible

The summer has gone and now we will have to deal with the consequences, in terms of infections due to Covid-19, of the days of leisure and frivolity we have spent. This is, above all, because vaccination still has small numbers. The measures have been taken but not everyone is respecting them.

In fact, from the beginning of August, the presentation of the Green Pass was made mandatory for access to bars, restaurants, gyms, etc., etc. and from the 1st September also to travel on some trains, by ferry or plane.

As already discussed, the Green Pass can be obtained by those who have recovered from Covid 19 from no more than six months, who has resulted negative in a rapid or molecular test in the last 48 hours or have had at least one dose of the vaccine.

Exempt from the vaccination obligation

Unfortunately, for health reasons many cannot be vaccinated at the moment, or the administration is totally unrecommended. In these cases, the citizen has the right to obtain exemption certification for the vaccination or the administration of a specific vaccine instead of the Green Pass.

The exemption is provided for in the following circumstances:

– Pregnancy or breastfeeding, subject to medical evaluation as vaccination is not contraindicated at this situation.

– Severe allergic reaction after administration of the first dose. Another vaccine will be considered for the termination of the course.

– Guillain Barré syndrome, rarely occurring after vaccination with Astrazeneca. To complete the immunization, another type of vaccine will be evaluated.

– Pericarditis / Myocarditis, manifested in very rare cases after the administration of one of the mRNA vaccines. As in previous cases, another vaccine will be considered for the conclusion of the vaccination.

By whom the certification is issued

The certification is issued, free of charge, by the vaccinating doctors of the vaccination services of the companies and bodies of the regional health services or by the general practitioners or pediatricians who work in the context of the national anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination campaign.