The Right To Study For Foreign Minors
One of the problems related to immigration is represented by the lack…
近年来,人们一直在谈论所谓的 “人才外流 “问题,即从我国流向其他国家,而这些国家可以为他们提供与所学专业相符的更多机会和职业出路。
自 2020 年初以来,人才流失已成为肆虐全球的大流行病,但我们不妨分析一下科维德事件前的实际数据:2008-2018 年十年间,约有100 万同胞移居国外,仅 2019 年就多达13 万人,比上一年增加了近10%。这个问题不应仅从纯粹的出境人数角度来考虑,因为在法国和德国等地,移民的人数更多。
The mobilization of Italian universities for Afghan students
On August 30, the withdrawal of the military troops of Western countries,…
Falling rental prices for students in Italy
At the end of the summer the hunt for housing always starts…
Insurance coverage for the Residence permit for study
Foreign citizens who decide to stay in Italy for various reasons must…
What is the University ISEE and who is it for
The ISEE (Indicator of the Equivalent Economic Situation), is an indicator used…
Redemption of the social security contributions
The degree redemption allows you to convert the years spent at university…
Academic qualifications obtained in a foreign country have no legal value in…
Are you a student? the Iter for your residence permit
The student must have insurance coverage valid for the duration of the residence permit against the risk of illness and / or accidents.
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