History of the right to vote in Italy
“Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work. Sovereignty belongs to the…
Register of Italians Residing Abroad (A.I.R.E.)
Recently, the migratory flow has increased not only from abroad to Italy…
CEM: Certified e-mail, what does it consist of
We have often heard of CEM and perhaps we thought it was…
Certification of the italian language
The knowledge of the Italian language is a requirement for obtaining the…
Registration for non-EU citizens.
Non-EU citizens can request registration with the Registry even if it is…
Arrivals to Italy: what changes after the Dpcm of 24 October 2020
The new Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM)…
Brexit and registry registration: what changes?
The United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union since…
Who are the specialized collaborators?
The EU Blue Card is granted for specialized collaborators, a particular permit issued outside the quotas established by the Flows Decree. -
Since 2020 registered Moldovans have converted driving licenses
From 10 January 2020 all driving licenses issued by the Republic of Moldova are convertible in the Italian Republic.
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