Redemption of the social security contributions

The degree redemption allows you to convert the years spent at university for a fee (3 or 5, depending on the years provided for by your legal course of study) into years useful for achieving retirement requirements: it is therefore a possibility for those who want to reach retirement a few years in advance.

This faculty is recognized on a fundamental condition and, that is, the achievement of the diploma. The right to redeem is therefore not granted to those who, despite having followed a university course of study, have not then completed it.

The recognized qualifications are as follows:

University diplomas, relating to courses lasting no less than two years but not more than three years;

Degree diplomas, relating to both the “old system” and the reform (master’s and specialist degrees);

Specialization diplomas, obtained after graduation and lasting no less than two years;

Research doctorates;

Diplomas issued by Institutes of Higher Artistic and Musical Education.

In addition, qualifications obtained abroad can also be redeemed, provided they are legally recognized in Italy.

The degree redemption is always for consideration and the application must be sent directly on the INPS website, by logging in with your Pin and following the instructions provided by ‘Body.

The amount due for the redemption can be paid in a single solution or by MAV or debit to the current account, in 120 monthly installments: in the event that the installments are chosen, the possibility of paying off the debt in advance is always valid, without no cost.

Failure to pay the single solution or the first installment is interpreted by INPS as a waiver of the request made, which, however, can always be resubmitted later. For installments subsequent to the first, a delay in payment of no more than thirty days is still allowed, but no more than five times. The payment can be interrupted at any time, without losing the amount already paid: in this case, however, only the period corresponding to the amount actually paid will be credited.

However, it is not possible to request a refund of the amount paid. As can be clearly deduced, it is necessary to have completed one’s course of study. For more information do not hesitate to contact us!