Registration for non-EU citizens.

Non-EU citizens can request registration with the Registry even if it is not mandatory. He must go to the municipal registry office, fill in and sign the appropriate form, which can be downloaded from the municipality to which you want to register or collect from the appropriate Registry Office, and deliver the following documents:
• the passport or other equivalent identification documents;
• the original valid residence document or renewal receipt;
• a document proving the work carried out, if the stay is required for work reasons;
• a document certifying enrollment in education or vocational training courses, if the stay is required for study or training reasons;
• certification of possession of suitable financial resources for themselves and their family members;

• the health insurance policy.

If the non-EU citizen brings family members with him, he must attach:
• the passport or other equivalent documents of the family members;
• the residence permit of family members;
• the authentic deed demonstrating the composition of the family and the status of family member issued by the competent authority of the State of origin.

For foreigners who are already registered in the registry, it is mandatory to renew their registration every year, showing the residence permit. Furthermore, registered foreigners must also renew the declaration of habitual residence in the Municipality of domicile, within 60 days from the renewal of the Residence permit .
Registration is important if the foreigner wants to apply for Italian citizenship, both by marriage and by naturalization. In such cases, in fact, one of the requisites necessary to obtain such recognition is having regularly resided in Italy for a certain period of time.
Even just for the issuance of the identity card registration is mandatory.

For registration purposes, non-EU citizens must be in possession of a residence permit with a duration of more than three months. Short and temporary stays (tourism, business, etc.) are excluded.
Even those who have applied for recognition of political asylum and are awaiting the decision of the competent Territorial Commission have the right to be registered in the register of the resident population.

The Decree Law 28 March 2014, n. 47 to counter the serious phenomenon of illegal property occupation, established that “Anyone who illegally occupies a property without may request residence or connection to public services in relation to the property itself and the deeds issued in violation of this prohibition are null for all purposes of the law “

Therefore, citizens who want to submit the Declaration of residence or the change of residence must therefore be able to demonstrate in what capacity they are apartment where they ask for registration, if rented or on loan, for example.

In the event that the applicant for residence does not have a lease / loan agreement, then he must show a declaration of consent from the owner who hosts him free of charge, with a photocopy of his identity document attached. If other people are already residing in the apartment, they too must make the aforementioned declaration of consent