STP card to whom it is aimed and what it is for

“The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and in the interest of the community and guarantees free medical care to the indigent. “

Art. 32 Constitution

Health is a fundamental human right actually, it is the most important of all. The Italian State protects this right by giving all people the opportunity to receive adequate care in case of need.

People who are in the Italian territory but are not legally resident or, do not have an entry visa or a valid residence permit , cannot register with the National Health Service and apply for the classic Health Card. However, they have the right to receive the same medical services under the same conditions if they request and receive the so-called STP card, Temporarily Present Foreigner.

These cards are issued by the ASL at the moment of supply of the urgent medical service or following a request by the non-European citizen. An identity document is not required for its release. It is valid for six months and is renewable for another six months.

The person in possession of the STP card is insured for:

  • Urgent care, which cannot be postponed without danger to life or damage to the person’s health.
  • Essential treatments, related to diseases that are not dangerous in the short term, but which over time could create health problems or life risks.
  • Continuous care

Like other patients, foreign citizens in possession of an STP card are required to pay the ticket if requested.

In addition, the STP card guarantees the following treatments:

  • assistance during pregnancy and maternity
  • health care of the minor
  • vaccinations
  • international prophylaxis
  • prophylaxis and treatment of infectious diseases
  • treatment and rehabilitation in case of drug addiction