Academic qualifications obtained in a foreign country have no legal value in Italy and, consequently, it is necessary to obtain recognition to make them valid.

There are two different procedures to follow for recognition:

the Judgment of recognition, to obtain only access to public competitions

the Declaration of academic recognition, if we are to obtain the legal value of the title

The judgment of recognition, the old “Equivalenza“, is an assessment on the basis of which it is recognized that a foreign qualification is equivalent to an Italian one, without, for this reason, conferring a legal value.

The Equivalenza of the title is required as a requirement to participate in a competition announcement, and is valid only for participation in the competition itself.

It is aimed at EU citizens who have obtained the academic qualification in their country of origin, and non-EU citizens who are holders of long-term residence permits, refugees and non-EU family members of European Union citizens entitled to rights of permanent residence in Italy.

To obtain the recognition of Equivalenza it is necessary to submit the application for participation in the competition, send to the Ministry of Education, University and Research the equivalence request by filling in the form provided and follow all the procedures required by law.

Instead, the Declaration of academic recognition, the old “Equipollenza“, is a detailed analysis of the course of study carried out, at the end of which the qualification is given legal value, and its validity is recognized by assimilating it to an Italian qualification.

Equipollenza is decided by the individual university following the submission of the application and an evaluation procedure. The evaluation procedure must be completed within ninety days.

The following groups of people can apply for equipollenza: Italian citizens who have obtained a qualification abroad, Italian citizens by marriage, Italian citizens by naturalization, EU citizens of the European Union, refugees and citizens of the states adhering to the Space Agreement European Economic.

The Equipollenza application must be submitted by filling in the appropriate form and submitted at the University of Studies for academic qualifications, or at the Regional School Offices for middle and high school diplomas.Equivalenza and Equipollenza are, as we have seen, fundamental requirements for participation in a public competition, for the continuation of studies or for access to masters and doctorates. It should be remembered that, among the requirements, it is also necessary to have adequate insurance coverage, which can protect at every stage of the academic career.