The Patronages: what services do they provide

For many, dealing with the Italian bureaucracy could be a serious problem as it is a complicated and ever-changing subject. Fortunately, we can find assistance in handling the paperwork in the offices called Patronages.

The patronage is an institution recognized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies that is committed to assisting citizens with regard to mainly social security and pension practices by collaborating closely with INPS. It is a non-profit social welfare organization that is set up and managed by a confederation or association of workers.

Free services

Like the CAF, the patronage provides some services free of charge such as practices regarding different types of pensions (pension or allowance for civil disability, invalidity; disability, old age, etc.), family reunification, assistance to the worker in case of accident practices or help in requesting or renewing the residence permit for non-EU citizens.

Paid services

Other services such as:

  • the request for the allowance for the family unit.
    • sending to INPS the request for permits and leave.
    • request for unemployment benefit Naspi;
    • online request for the issuance of the Single Certification.
    • request for recognition of a serious handicap established by law 104;
    • request for a contribution statement, etc.

are, on the other hand, lent against a payment that cannot exceed a threshold set at 24 euros for each service. Fortunately, the patronages are numerous and present everywhere in the national territory. For resident foreign citizens who do not fully know the Italian bureaucracy, the assistance provided by the patronages could be essential.